Brentwood Wine Society

The Brentwood Wine Society is a social club where you can learn about and taste a huge variety of wines in a very friendly and relaxed environment.
We meet on the second Tuesday of most months from 8-10pm in the Shenfield Parish Hall for our regular tastings led by a wine expert or occasionally by our members. 

The Society was established in 1986 to help members improve their experience, understanding and enjoyment of wine. At our meetings, invited wine experts present samples of wines from a country or region of the winemaking world. Our aim is to present wines that perhaps are not so well known, or which possibly have not been considered to buy because of price, unfamiliarity with the grape, blend, or the country of origin. Through these tastings, we have a broadened interest which has led to a deeper knowledge and love of wine. We do not sell wine and the Society is not a           drinking club. There is an annual fee to join our club.

Please email us if would like to come along in the first instance for a free tasting evening to see for yourself

******** Over 18s only  ********



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